Monday, November 26, 2012

I got glasses!

After getting my test results back and being told everything was fine (I'm still not 100% sold on that yet), I figured since I was still having headaches I'd get my eyes checked.  I hadn't had my eyes checked in a really long time-probably at least 10 years.  I ended up going to the Walmart vision center because that's where we took my youngest son last year.  The exam was only $54 so if I was told my eyes were ok, I guess that wasn't too bad.  It turned out that I DID need glasses though.  Not gonna lie, I was kind of happy, hoping my eyes were the cause of my headaches.  I had my exam on a Thursday, and my glasses were ready the following Tuesday.
I have never had to wear glasses before.  I have worn reading glasses here and there, but just for small time periods.  My prescription is full-time.  I wear these all day.  They said it would take a week and a half or two to really adjust to them, and they weren't lying!  The day i picked them up I wore them for about 4 or 5 hours and by the time I went to bed I was so nauseous I thought I was going to throw up.   I've been wearing them all day long since then.  I'm still getting used to them (the outer edges /corners make everything seem a bit wavy), but I'm not having headaches anymore!  Sometimes my eyes bother me a tiny bit, but they also said my eyes would go crazy because the muscles would be trying to adjust to the prescription.  My right eye is worse than my left eye and I had never noticed it before.  Now, when I take my glasses off my right eye goes crazy trying to focus and see.  I can tell a HUGE difference.  I'm just thrilled I'm not having the headaches anymore!  I was having one EVERY day for months.  I had planned on getting my eyes checked and then ll the other stuff happened and it got delayed.  But so glad I finally got it taken care of!  I was an avid sunglasses wearer, so that is a bit of a pain to give up.  I'm still working on that!

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