Monday, November 26, 2012

Today I am thankful for:Days 25 & 26

Day 25
I am thankful I have such well behaved and good kids.  I was doing some things around the house yesterday and decided to get all their school things in their own piles to be put in storage bins.  There are SO MANY awards!  Perfect Attendance, Gold Honor Roll, Good Citizen, awards for safety patrol and choir, notes and cards of thanks from teachers, interim and report cards with glowing comments....every time I talk to one of their teachers they always have nothing but excellent things to say about the kids.  The teachers at my daughter's school still ask how my son is doing now that he's in middle school.  I've been really lucky that they've had such great teachers that we like.
Day 26
I'm thankful I'm in a position right now that I'm able to stay home for the kids.  They are getting older and there won't be much point in me staying home soon, but today my daughter is sick and home from school, and I'm able to be here and take care of her.  I've been lucky to enjoy being a stay at home mom for about 9 years now.  I got to raise my kids, see them do their "firsts" and even taught 2 of them to read myself.  I was able to home school all 3 of them with a great curriculum that had them well beyond their classes when they started going to school.  If they get sick and need to leave school I can go get them.  When they have awards and programs I'm able to go and never have to worry about missing work or my boss being mad.  I'm very lucky!

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